Infectious Diseases Transcription

Electronic Medical Records Assisting U.S. Doctors to Fight Measles Outbreak

Electronic Medical Records Assisting U.S. Doctors to Fight Measles Outbreak

A highly contagious viral disease, measles can cause blindness, deafness, brain damage or even death. Though this virus was declared eliminated in the U.S. by 2000, its outbreaks have reappeared. According to the reports from CDC – from January 1 to May 3, 2019, at

New Research: Infectious Diseases have a Seasonal Element

Infectious Disease

Every year, infectious diseases take a heavy toll on health and healthcare resources in the U.S. The most common infectious diseases in the U.S. are influenza, viral hepatitis, measles, mumps and Rubella, pneumonia, STD, AIDS and HIV, and whooping cough. According to the CDC, the

Infectious Disease Forecasting for Better Preparedness – How Data-rich Electronic Health Records Help

Infectious Disease Forecasting

Infectious disease is a major public health concern in the United States and across the globe. Coordinated and accessible data is imperative for understanding the patterns of these diseases, and this underlines the importance of error-free documentation with infectious disease medical transcription services. Forecasting the

Infectious Disease Transcription Services Help Physicians Stay Compliant with Industry Changes

Infectious Disease Transcription

Today, new and confounding infectious diseases threaten health. Moreover, diseases that were considered extinct are reappearing. Infectious diseases specialists are also faced with challenges such as rising patient volume and compliance with ICD-10 coding. Many practices lack the financial and manpower resources to deal with

Focused History Taking Critical for Evaluating Returned Travelers

Evaluating Returned Travelers

With the rise in the incidence of travel-related infectious diseases, people traveling abroad are at a high risk of health problems. Zika is the latest in the list of travel-related health diseases. The History and Physical exam (H&P) has become a critical component in the
