Medical Transcription

Healthcare Assistance at Your Workplace – a More Affordable Option

Healthcare Assistance at Your Workplace - a More Affordable Option

Technology has transformed healthcare industry just as other industry niches. It has made numerous positive changes in treatment and patient care. Advancements in medical technology allow physicians to diagnose and treat patients much more efficiently than before. Technological innovations range from diverse methods of treatment

7 Tactics to Improve Medical Practice Efficiency and Revenue

7 Tactics to Improve Medical Practice Efficiency and Revenue

In order to maintain error-free patient records, most healthcare organizations in the US outsource their transcription tasks to medical transcription companies. Outsourcing is a more cost-effective option than handling the documentation task in-house. In addition to this, there are many strategies that healthcare providers

Using Text Message Communication to Improve Patient Outreach

Using Text Message Communication to Improve Patient Outreach

The EHR integrated documentation solutions that medical transcription companies provide help physicians focus on and communicate better with their patients. Another strategy that is currently allowing physicians to enhance patient engagement is text message communication. Automated patient outreach simplifies scheduling appointments, reminds patients of screenings

Halting the Spread of Drug-resistant Superbugs in Hospitals

Halting the Spread of Drug-resistant Superbugs in Hospitals

One of the main problems physicians face today is providing effective care for increasing complex health problems. Medical transcription outsourcing helps them manage their burdensome EHR documentation tasks and capture the complexities of various medical conditions. Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant germs or superbugs are one

Promoting Disability Inclusion in Medical Practices

Disability Inclusion

Patients have specific expectations when it comes to their office visit and one is that their provider listens to them and demonstrates understanding, according to a PwC Health Research Institute survey. However, working with electronic health records (EHRs) leaves physicians little time to interact with
