Medical Transcription

Halting the Spread of Drug-resistant Superbugs in Hospitals

Halting the Spread of Drug-resistant Superbugs in Hospitals

One of the main problems physicians face today is providing effective care for increasing complex health problems. Medical transcription outsourcing helps them manage their burdensome EHR documentation tasks and capture the complexities of various medical conditions. Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant germs or superbugs are one

Promoting Disability Inclusion in Medical Practices

Disability Inclusion

Patients have specific expectations when it comes to their office visit and one is that their provider listens to them and demonstrates understanding, according to a PwC Health Research Institute survey. However, working with electronic health records (EHRs) leaves physicians little time to interact with

New Year Goals and Resolution Ideas for Physicians

New Year Goals

With the New Year approaching, physicians, like everybody else, would do well to consider making New Year resolutions to improve practice efficiency and spend more time with patients, and most important, reduce stress. Outsourcing medical transcription can help with all of this. Here are some

How Physicians Can Reduce Documentation Burden and Optimize Health Information

Medical Documentation

The innovative system of blending EHR and medical transcription service has helped medical professionals to achieve a higher level of quality in their work. Electronic Health Record or EHR is a systemized collection of patients’ healthrecords that are stored in electronic format. The EHR enhances

Hospitals Are Planning to Use More Medical Transcription Tools, Says Study

Medical Transcription Tools

Software dealers are adding more modern features to legacy tools and hospitals are increasingly embarking on digital transformation initiatives that involve automation, outsourcing and advanced reporting techniques. In fact, more and more hospitals are considering implementing medical transcription technologies or using medical transcription services. According
