Even with the availability of advanced technologies such as voice recognition software that assist the transcription industry, manual editing and review provided by professional medical transcription services has its own relevance, proves a recent JAMA study.
Speech-recognition software such as Dragon Naturally speaking has now
Virtual care doctors are a great boon for patients when they require immediate medical advice, but may not be able to actually visit a doctor. Advanced technology has made virtual doctors and telehealth a reality, enabling quality patient care to be provided to remote patients.
The main objective of introducing the electronic health record is to transform to a unified healthcare system that ensures better quality care and enhances safety of patient data. But amidst its many benefits, the EHR system comes with its own share of shortcomings. While the
The goal of the U.S. healthcare system, or of any healthcare system for that matter, is to achieve better outcomes at lower costs. Managing health care delivery is a complex task, and many physicians are increasingly relying on medical transcription services as well as outsourced
In today’s fast-paced world with the increasing need for speedy information sharing and flawless communication, all industries are in search of innovations to streamline workflow and assure quality service. The healthcare industry has also adopted new technologies such as EHR, speech recognition system and so