
AI-assisted Transcription Helps Physicians with EHR Documentation

EHR Documentation

Today, technology plays a significant role in the healthcare industry. The rising pressure to generate accurate and timely medical reports to provide optimal care to patients has led to the adoption of AI or artificial intelligence in medical transcription. Now, professional medical transcription services

Medical Errors That Lead to Unreliable Healthcare Documentation [INFOGRAPHIC]

Medical Errors

Every year, errors in medical documentation cost billions of dollars to the U.S healthcare industry. Medical records are a combination of self-reported patient information and physicians’ notes on the diagnosis, care and treatment given to the patient. It is important to have complete and accurate

EHR Systems linked to Physician Burnout but Prove an Asset to Care during the Pandemic

EHR Systems

Electronic health record systems or EHRs are designed to provide easy access to patient information such as medical histories, prescriptions, lab reports and physician notes. Medical transcription companies focus on helping physicians ensure accurate EHR documentation, and importantly, help reduce the EHR-related data entry

Key Considerations for Expanding Telehealth beyond the Pandemic


While telehealth has been around for a long time, its rapid adoption across the country was catapulted by the pandemic. Federal and state laws and regulations were relaxed to enhance the ability of physicians to provide, and patients to receive, telehealth services. Now, industry

Medical Transcription Market Growth Forecast 2020-2027

Medical Transcription

Accurate patient’s medical records are critical for proper patient care. The smooth functioning of healthcare organizations depends on the accuracy of structured narrative reports and the speed with which they are fed into their electronic health record (EHR) system. But the introduction of EHRs
