
Medical Records Retention – Challenges and Solutions

Medical Records Retention

Electronic health record (EHR) systems are designed to improve the quality of care and patient safety, improve physician efficiency, and cut costs. EHRs have also reduced paperwork and eased patient record storage, accessibility, retrieval and retention. Integrating medical transcription services with electronic medical record

How Healthcare Organizations can Better Manage EHR Data Growth


Electronic heath records (EHRs) are a treasure trove of patient information. EHRs enable healthcare providers to record and store patient information electronically, simplifying the process of creating medical records. This system allows organizations to consolidate, centralize, and securely access patient medical data. Medical transcription

How Technology in Healthcare Industry is Expected to Change in the Coming Years


When a health emergency like COVID-19 arises, people are instructed to stay at home and minimize social contact. This is a difficult time, especially for patients who need to visit their doctors. Thankfully, this problem is addressed to some extent with advanced technology such

Conditions that can be Treated via Telehealth Consultations

Telehealth Consultations

Telehealth has become the norm during the COVID-19 pandemic, proving a useful tool when patients must practice social distancing and are unable to attend face-to-face consultations. Our medical transcription company expects telemedicine to continue to be a part of the way medical care is

How Digital Technology and Tools are Improving the Patient Experience

Digital Technology

The presence of digital tools is healthcare is growing. The medical transcription service industry is also part of this transformation, with EHR meaningful use requirements adding urgency to the digitization of healthcare. According to an American Medical Association (AMA) 2016 & 2019 study, more
